Delicate Schmelicate

In Which I Provide an Update on the Wear and Tear of My “Delicate” Hermes Leathers

“Cause I know that it’s delicate/

Isn’t it? Isn’t it? Isn’t it? Isn’t it?”*

Ironically, the bags for which I find myself reaching the most often are those with, you guessed it, more delicate leather: my vintage Kelly 32 in Box**, my Constance 18 in Veau Monsieur, and my Kelly Cut and Birkin 25 in Swift.

In the interest of knowledge-sharing, I thought I’d come out of blogging hibernation to share some thoughts on (as well as unfiltered photos in natural lighting of) how my bags in Veau Monsieur and Swift have worn over time.

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A La Carte, A La Heart

In Which I Answer Some FAQs on the Hermes Special Order Process

When I took my first tentative step into the (H)orse-drawn carriage (and subsequently careened down the slippery orange slope), I hadn’t the faintest clue that “special orders” were even, as one might say, “a thing”. But of course, many PurseForum threads, Instagram posts, and blog posts later, I – alas – quickly began to gather knowledge of something that would only serve to suck me further into the black (orange?) hole that is Hermes…


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Operation B for B: Appendix

In Which I (Finally) Provide a Summary of the New Online Appointment System at Hermes FSH

As of August 31st, 2017, Hermes changed the system in place for requesting an appointment at its flagship Faubourg St. Honore (FSH) store in Paris. This new web-based system has been put into place for nearly a year now, and I (finally!) got around to trying it out for myself. As such, I thought I’d write up a quick summary of how to request an appointment using the new system as well as my personal experience with/thoughts on the changes.

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Does Size Matter?

In Which I Compare the Birkin 30 with the Birkin 25 (and Demonstrate That I Am Clearly Still Not Mature Enough to Resist a Cheeky Blog Title)

Options are good but they can be overwhelming, especially when they are accompanied by the weight (financial, emotional, etc.) of a significant purchase. And for those faced with confronting that tricky (but let’s admit it – also decidedly delightful and first-worldly) dilemma of picking out a designer handbag to buy, options can become a veritable quagmire.

You might be here because you’ve found yourself in a place where you’ve decided you want an Hermes Birkin bag (perhaps your very first) and – for whatever your reasons might be – you have ruled out the Birkin 35 but are now stuck in the murky morass of deciding between a Birkin 30 and a Birkin 25. If that is indeed the case, then I hope this post can provide you with a helping hand out of the Birkin Bog.

Spoiler alert: I don’t actually have a runaway favourite between the two sizes. But it is my hope that this post might at least provide you with some information on a few of the differences between the Birkin 30 (“B30”) and Birkin 25 (“B25”) as well as some of my personal thoughts on the two bags.


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Battle of the Hermes Leathers: Togo vs Box vs Swift

In Which I Babble On About Three Hermes Leathers


Sharing some thoughts today on three different Hermes leathers: Togo, Box, and Swift (discussed in order of which I have owned the longest). Of course, this is by no means intended to be a comprehensive overview of these three Hermes leather types. Rather, I thought it might be helpful (or at least somewhat interesting) to share my personal impressions of Togo, Box, and Swift leather.

So! Got your caffeinated drinks on hand? Get ready to tuck in for a long(ish) post!


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Marginal Utility

In Which I Revisit Economics: 101

As lifestyle creep has eaten away at my disposable income and Instagram/Youtube has flooded me with footage of extensive designer collections and hauls (oh god, the hauls – so very many hauls), I find myself revisiting an early lesson in economics.

Marginal Utility

Source: (with my 

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Monday Musings: On Cost-Per-Wear

In Which I Discover the Magical Math of Cost-Per-Photo (and Use Instagram to Justify My Purchases)

Most of us who buy luxury goods are familiar with the concept of cost-per-wear. After all, it’s what provides us with the necessary assurance and justification when we whip out our credit cards and make that fateful swipe for whatever our next big purchase might be.

B30 with Tweed

Therefore, as someone for whom carrying a Birkin to work just isn’t a real possibility (for both practical as well as social reasons), it pains me a little when I think about how long it will take for me to bring down the cost-per-wear of my newest bag baby. Buuuuut!

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Instagram Roundup: #SameOutfitDifferentBag

In Which I Crib from My Own Instagram Account (and Share Some Bag Photos)

A short while ago, I ran a #SameOutfitDifferentBag series on my Instagram account and featured four bags in my collection: the Loewe Amazona, the Louis Vuitton Neverfull, the Louis Vuitton Pochette Metis, and the Hermes Birkin. I’ve always loved seeing how a simple change of bags can end up altering the feel of your overall look; and for this series, I paired my four bags with a tie-sleeve sweater from Zara, OTK boots from Zara, and a pair of black leggings.

Since I’ve been (ashamedly) neglecting my little corner of the internet, I thought I would aggregate my Instagram posts here for anyone who might be interested in any of these four bags.

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Operation B for B: Buying a Birkin in Paris (Pt. 3)

In Which I Share (in Entirely Too Much Detail) the Process of Buying My First Birkin in Paris

When I was preparing for my first visit to FSH, I tried to find as many stories as I could of other people’s experiences there. Reading through the details of their shopping trips helped me to pick up on some of the ins and outs of the FSH process, and – quite frankly – it was fun living vicariously through others.

Thought I would return the favour here and share the details of my own visits to FSH. So, story time, anyone? (Just make sure you are tucked in with a cup of anything caffeinated and ready to read a behemoth of a recap!)


Obligatory Post-FSH Photo Opp

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Operation B for B: Buying a Birkin in Paris (Pt. 2)

In Which I Share Some Thoughts and Theories on Shopping for a Birkin at FSH

As I mentioned at the end of Pt. 1 of this post, I wanted to share the details of my personal shopping experiences at Hermes. (And for those who actually read all of Pt. 1 – THANK YOU! It means a lot, really.) So I wrote up this super long and detailed summary of my shopping experience at FSH, and then I realized it might be more helpful for me to share some of my thoughts/theories on the mysterious system at FSH as opposed to drowning you in the details of my own shopping experience. (Which, actually, I have decided to document in Pt. 3 to this post!)


Source: TripAdvisor

For a quick, TL;DR version of my personal shopping experience: I was offered a Birkin (size 30, togo leather, colour: etain, palladium hardware) on my second visit to FSH. On my first try, I had a late evening appointment and was told there were no more bags left. On my second try, I lined up an hour and a half before the store opened and had an afternoon appointment during which I was offered my Birkin. I was with my husband during both appointments, and I had never purchased anything from Hermes prior to being offered this bag.

Before we proceed further, I want to make it abundantly clear that, at the end of the day, please do not go to Paris just for a Birkin. While, admittedly, that’s kiiiind of exactly what I did, I wouldn’t recommend it unless a) you’ve been to the city before, and b) you are mentally prepared to be OK with the possibility of not getting what you want. Ultimately – regardless of all of the tips and tricks that might help to maximize your chances of scoring a Birkin – it really does come down to a lot of luck (mainly, being assigned to/hitting it off with the right SA). That all said, I do have some notes on the whole experience/process that might be helpful for those who are hoping to give it a go.

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